From left, Chris Witt, Dr. Gregory Mears and Jonathon Feit in January 2020.

An Ode of Gratitude to Our Friend, Dr. Gregory Mears

Jonathon S. Feit pays tribute to Dr. Gregory Mears as Mears enters hospice.
ZOLL at FDIC 2021

FDIC 2021: ZOLL X Series Advanced

Pioneering solutions for multiple patient conditions, ZOLL’s new X Series® Advanced monitor/defibrillator helps providers manage patients more effectively than ever before.

ZOLL Launches Remote View Capabilities on the X Series Monitor/Defibrillator

Remote view capability on the X Series allows a clinician to view the X Series screen remotely while a patient is being monitored.

Special Webcast Series — High-Consequence Infectious Disease Workshop

Attendees will become familiar with the ASPR TRACIE EMS Infectious Disease Playbook and will consider operational challenges and strategies for transport and management of patients…