Last Word: Only in Texas, A Good Translation, NYC Disses 9/11 Responders

Only in TexasMany EMS agencies now have bike teams, but MedStar in Fort Worth, Texas, is likely the first with horse teams."Several EMTs and paramedics at MedStar have horses, and we decided we wanted to have fun get-togethers and apply our skills," says Jon Puryear, NREMT-P, assistant to the MedStar medical director and president of the MedStar Mounted EMS Team (MEMST)."ž

A Quick Response

Auburn (Mass.) Fire Department paramedics responded to this bus crash on an interstate off-ramp in less than a minute, assessing and triaging the 56 passengers…

Priority Traffic: A virtual front seat to all the EMS Today action

Despite a flagging economy, more than 4,000 people attended the 2009 EMS Today Conference & Exposition in Baltimore, Md., March 24à28. Their effort did not…