Man Sets Self on Fire Outside Mid City (LA) Convenience Store, Hospitalized With Critical Injuries

Ellyn Couvillion

The Advocate, Baton Rouge, La.


A man who set himself on fire outside a convenience store Tuesday morning was taken to the hospital with critical injuries, officials said.

The dispatch call to EMS came in about 10:30 a.m. from the Circle K store at 3373 Florida Blvd., near Acadian Boulevard, Mike Chustz, with Baton Rouge Emergency Medical Services said. The man was transported to the Baton Rouge General Medical Center’s burn unit on Bluebonnet Boulevard.

JEMS Con: Great Balls of Fire: EMS Handbook for the Stabilization of a Burn Patient

Sgt. L’Jean McKneely Jr., a spokesman for the Baton Rouge Police Department, said police, EMS and the Baton Rouge Fire Department responded to the call and that the man suffered burns to his legs.


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