New Emergency Response Guidebook Released

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) released the 2012 version of its Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), which will provide first responders with a newly revised resource manual to manage the critical first 30 minutes of a hazmat incident.


The guidebook is free for EMS providers, firefighters and law enforcement officers across the country. It provides the most current information responders require to properly assess specific risks associated with compromised hazmat items, identify measures needed to protect responders and isolate proper procedures for containing the incident as quickly and safely as possible.


Updated every four years, the guidebook includes general revisions, reorganized general information pages and new tables, such as initial isolation and protective action distances for large spills involving six common toxic inhalation hazard gases.


The 2012 ERG is available free to public safety agencies through designated state coordinators’ offices. PHMSA has also partnered with the National Library of Medicine to provide a free smartphone version of the ERG in its Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders. The mobile version will be available this summer.


For more information, visit the PHMSA website at

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