KEY PENINSULA, WASH. -- Nine children and two adults have been injured in a school bus accident on the Key Peninsula in South Puget Sound, north of Olympia. The State Patrol told KIRO-TV the school bus collided with two other vehicles just before 11:30 a.m. Pierce County fire requested help from Kitsap County to help treat and transport the injured. A total of 11 people were taken to Saint Anthonys Hospital in Gig Harbor. About 36 children from Key Peninsula Middle School were on the bus at the time of the accident. They were headed home for the day because there are teacher conferences Thursday night. The bus driver and the driver of a truck were also injured in the crash. ___ Information from: KIRO-TV,
11 Injured in Fla. School Bus Accident
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Indiana State Police and Fort Wayne Police are investigating a crash involving a TRAA ambulance that occurred late Thursday morning on I-69.
Employee Found Dead Inside NYC Ambulette
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