Three Burned In Oil Rig Explosion

JEAN LAFITTE, LA. – Three men were burned in an explosion and fire on a workover rig south of New Orleans.

All three apparently are going to Baton Rouge General Medical Center’s burn unit. They went first to West Jefferson Medical Center. Spokeswoman Taslin Alfonzo said one was going to the burn unit, and the other men’s families didn’t want her releasing information about them.

Baton Rouge General spokeswoman Andi Strange said three patients are coming from West Jefferson to the burn unit. Jefferson Parish emergency officials said the men’s hands and faces were burned in an explosion during welding on the rig on Bayou Perot, about 20 miles south of New Orleans.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Elizabeth Bordelon said both the well and the rig – which performs specialized oilfield work – caught fire, but the blaze was put out quickly.

The Coast Guard said it has no reports of pollution.

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