Wall, NJ — This week, MONOC is joining the nation in celebrating National EMS Week. “EMS: More Than a Job. A Calling” is the 2012 theme, reflecting the idea that EMS practitioners don’t choose this field for big salaries, comfortable working conditions, or 9-to-5 hours; they have a true calling to help and care for others in their hour of need. EMS Week brings together communities and medical personnel to publicize safety, educate the public about their local EMS system, and to honor the dedication of those who provide day to day lifesaving services on medicine’s front line. Each year EMS Week falls on the third full week of the month of May. The first EMS Week was proclaimed by President Ford in 1974.
“This is the time of year when we take pause and express our sincere appreciation for the daily hard work and professional service our staff provides to every patient we treat. On behalf of the our Board of Trustees, MONOC wishes to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our employees, and all emergency medical personnel, for a job well done,” said Vince Robbins, President and Chief Executive Officer of MONOC. As in the past employees are hand delivered an EMS Week gift from MONOC management as a small token of their appreciation for all that they do every day of the year. Additionally, this year, MONOC has decided to put even more people out in our community capable of saving a life by training their 60+ administrative and support employees in CPR and the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator. While these employees don’t have direct patient care responsibilities like the field EMTs, paramedics and nurses, they now have the knowledge and training to help someone in need whether at the office, at home or in public.
MONOC Mobile Health Services is a non-profit hospital cooperative consisting of 16 acute care hospitals located throughout New Jersey. Formed in 1978 MONOC’s mission is to improve health care and reduce costs. MONOC Mobile Health Services is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) and employs over 730 employees and operates a fleet of over 100 ambulances. Together this shared services consortium acts as a health care cooperative for these acute care hospitals and over 2.8 million residents that they serve living in more than 1,800 square miles of the Garden State.
Among its numerous service lines, MONOC operates MICU Paramedic Services, Helicopter interfacility and 911 services, Mobile Critical Care Services, and Basic Life Support interfacility and 911 services. Additionally, MONOC operates a Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services (CECBEMS) accredited education department which is the largest EMS education department in New Jersey providing continuing medical education to EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Police Officers, Fire Fighters and the general public. Coordinating all of MONOC’s communications is an Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) 24/7 state of the art 9-1-1 dispatch center which handled over 161,000 requests for service in 2011.