MMR using technology to perform CPR mechanically

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SAGINAW COUNTY, MI (WNEM) – Medical devices are pumping new life into the way paramedics save patients in Mid Michigan.

Saginaw County MMR is now using technology to perform hands-free CPR.

The device, called the Thumper, is designed to deliver perfect chest compressions to patients in cardiac arrest. The instrument delivers 100 compressions per minute and can cycle for hours without interruptions.

“It never gets fatigued, the human being that does CPR gets fatigued and they lose the consistency with depth and the number of compressions their doing but this machine never loses consistency,” said John Kustuch, MMR Operations Director.

The Thumper also allows responders to free up their hands for other clinical procedures, and provides the patient with a better chance of a positive outcome.

“It delivers consistent compressions so it is a patient’s best chance of survival in a cardiac arrest,” said Kustuch.

The device weighs about 19 pounds and takes only seconds to set up. The Thumper is made in Michigan, but it’s helping paramedics around the world.

“A human can’t do compressions for more than a minute or two and this device has been used for 14 hours on a female patient in Poland,” said Victor Frigo, Michigan Instruments sales manager.

Now Kustuch said paramedics are looking forward to saving more lives with this technology.

“The Thumper is the next step in making our Saginaw community a heart safe community,” said Kustuch.

Copyright 2013 WNEM (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.

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