ANNISTON, Al. — The Center for Domestic Preparedness’ new Facebook site offers a unique venue where first responders can learn about fully funded training opportunities, read former students’ reviews and connect with their peers across the nation.
The CDP’s primary mission is to train state, local and tribal emergency response providers. A popular aspect of the courses is the hands-on training with a multi-disciplined audience. In addition, the CDP is the only civilian facility that trains with toxic chemical and live biological agents.
The CDP’s facebook site will include announcements and information about upcoming courses and class seat availability; profiles on the more than 200 instructors; profiles on the students; and feedback from the students.
“The CDP has trained more than 100,000 students in our resident courses,” said CDP superintendent James E. Smith. “Most of our students tell us that they learn about the center by word of mouth. Launching our Facebook site takes that to a new level. This site is a great venue for the CDP staff to share information about training opportunities and for students to share their experiences while training here. It’s a great collaborative effort and will result in a lot of cross talk and networking within the emergency responder communities.”
The site,, officially launches April 15th. For more information on the CDP, visit CDP Facebook site or the website at
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.