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Guests: Tyler Christifulli
How is it possible for metabolic acidosis and anion gap to be remotely interesting? The two words send shivers down most medics’ spine. However, Tyler Christifulli from FoamFrat joins the EMS Handoff crew to make this information not only accessible but fun to learn and review.
Previous: Gamification of EMS with Dr. Cicero and Dr. Wallner
Tyler Christifulli is a flight medic and co-founder/producer at FOAMfrat where he lends his expertise to educating EMS providers through blogs, podcasts and online content.
Show Highlights
- pH and the hydrogen “hot potato”
- Should we replenish sodium bicarbonate in low bicarb patients?
- Electrical neutrality
- Sodium, Chloride, and bench pressing
- Bicarb as an anion
- DKA and Bicarb
- Beta hydroxybutyrate and acetone
- Bicarbonate buffering
- Do patients die from respiratory acidosis?
- Is there a difference between a respiratory and metabolically acidotic patient?
- Managing patients with no lab values
- COVID-19 is a vascular disease
- Difference pAO2 and SpO2
- Cardiac arrest and sodium bicarbonate
- Kind versus Wicked Environment
- Confirmation bias
- Acid Base balance for EMTs
Connect with the Guest
- IG: foamfrat
- Twitter: christifulli88
Resources/Articles Mentioned in Podcast
- Acid Base Balance – made easy – Tic Tac Toe
- Acid Base Disorders Made Easy
- Understanding Anion Gap
- Clinical Aspects of the Anion Gap
- Anion Gap Explained