Take Back Control of Your Patient Care Reporting and Data Management Process
Thousands of EMS providers throughout the country have shared high levels of frustration with, and even disdain for, ePCR software. The common theme: rigid, limiting, frustrating software that requires unnecessary data entry and forces “work-arounds” due to customization restrictions.
EMS supervisors and directors are pulling their hair out daily because inaccurate or incomplete PCRs cause liability concerns, quality issues, billing delays and sometimes even lost revenue. Countless hours are spent trying to find or piece together information that they need to identify trends in patient care, protocol deviations, response times and more. It’s painstaking, time-wasting and costly. These limitations leave EMS departments feeling overwhelmed and controlled by the ePCR process.
The Top Five ePCR Challenges Shared:
1. Not Easy to Use and Navigate. Reports Take too Long to Complete.
2. Not Fully Customizable without the Vendor to Collect What We Want and Need
3. Doesn’t Guide Crews Through Accurate and Compliant Reports
4. Reports Get Lost or Fall Through the Cracks Causing Re-entry or Delays in Billing
5. Limited, Frustrating Data Review, Analysis and Reporting for QA/QI and Trends Identification
AmbuPro EMS: Providing Solutions and Giving Back Control
The good news is that there is a solution. Imagine your crew members effortlessly completing patient care reports — and all of the mandatory data your organization requires to be sure those PCRs are accurate, compliant and billable — in just a few minutes. Imagine an ePCR software solution that serves as a guide, leading each crew member logically through every mandatory data field that you deem necessary (not your vendor), for any type of call.
Envision having the flexibility to control and customize exactly what choices appear in your software program’s drop-down boxes and being able to quickly and easily set conditions or “rules” for every patient care situation imaginable — without having to call or wait on your vendor. As an EMS supervisor, picture ending your frustration related to finding the data that you need to review and for collecting and compiling your monthly incident and response data. Picture having unlimited data, reports and trends analysis at your fingertips and done in minutes. It truly can be that easy”¦ with AmbuPro EMS.
Transform Your Patient Care Reporting and Data Management Process
AmbuPro EMS transforms the traditional electronic patient care reporting and EMS data management process and puts control back in the EMS organization’s hands.
Through the highest levels of client-controlled customization, AmbuPro EMS enables each EMS agency to set up and change their own list selections, mandatory fields, conditions, and protocol-based rules at any time without having to request a change from our customer support department.
A t the same time, we enable quick, easy and limitless ability to find, analyze and report on the data that you need to review PCRs, conduct QA, provide trends analysis and to justify resources or necessary expenditures.
At OCI Software, creators of AmbuPro EMS, we recognize that your service is unique and has unique needs. A one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach doesn’t work for most EMS agencies, so we give you the ability to mold, shape and tailor AmbuPro for your organization.
Let Logic Be Your Guide
In the rush to get a patient care report finished, it can be easy to overlook data fields that are required for an accurate, complete and compliant PCR the first time. Many ePCR software products do provide a “validation” tool that enables the crew member to run a check to determine if an important field was missed, but that’s usually not until the user believes he or she has finished the report.
The AmbuPro EMS Logic Panel serves as a trusted guide to complete PCRs as you go. While working on a PCR, users are immediately alerted to, and guided through, the required and recommended rules (set by the department at any time) related to the specific type of incident they are creating. As the user works through the report, the Logic Panel is a continuous guide to 100 percent PCR completion. Administrators can customize mandatory and recommended fields based on certain conditions, and set rules for an unlimited number of circumstances. Using the industry’s most powerful logic engine available makes it easy for administrators to assure that required information is accurately collected without burdening field personnel.
Go with the WorkFlow
PCRs that are lost, difficult to find, or that get tied up because of rigid, inflexible software system coding result in inefficiency, frustration, billing delays and sometimes accusation of mismanagement.
With the AmbuPro EMS Workflow Manager, continuous tracking of all incidents prevents PCRs from “falling through the cracks”. In AmbuPro, your organization creates your own Workflow stages — PCR Data Entry, State Data Entry, Review, Billing and QA — for example, enabling users to understand where a particular PCR is in your organization’s PCR lifecycle. Once the required information and tasks for an incident are completed for a particular workflow state, the user then moves the incident into the next workflow state to be handled as assigned. Incidents can be moved backwards through workflow states by approved personnel if needed, allowing for additions and updates while still being continuously tracked.
The specific tasks and additional information required for completion of a particular workflow state are set by the individual agency and tailored to that agency’s needs. For example, when the data entry is completed by a crew member, the PCR may then move to the “Review” workflow state so that personnel assigned to the task of reviewing know which PCRs are ready for their review. Once Review is complete, a report may then be moved to the “Billing” workflow state for review and management by billing personnel.
AmbuPro’s Workflow Manager was designed to ensure that PCRs move efficiently and effectively through your organization’s PCR life cycle without anyone missing a beat.
ChronoChart is Smart
Too often, crew members are bogged down with having to go through too many pages and tabs in order to tell the accurate story of the patient incident. It can be difficult to keep track of times associated with each intervention, assessment or procedure, and if an error is made on an entered time or something is out of order, it is often impossible to determine until after the PCR has been submitted for review.
AmbuPro’s ChronoChart provides crew members with the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive method for completing the PCR and “telling the story” of the incident in the order that it took place. On one screen, providers can add times, vital signs, medications, procedures, communications and more and see the chronological view of the entire run report as they are charting. Crew members can review their entries as they go and fix any errors immediately. Visibility results in efficiency and accuracy.
Unleash the (Data) Beast for Decision Support
EMS administrators agree that reviewing reports, finding data, analyzing trends and providing organizational reports just shouldn’t be as difficult and time-consuming as it is in many ePCR software programs.
With AmbuPro EMS, unlimited search capabilities enable you to hone into exactly the data you need to review and analyze. Easily select the data points you want to review with our quick click selection tools that enable you to pull reports that have multiple and very specific conditions. Once you have the exact PCRs you are looking for, you are then able to run hundreds of reports pertaining to that very specific data, such as response times by clinical impression, crew member and hour of the day, or successful and unsuccessful procedures by crew member for a specific clinical impression, or even medications and procedures administered. The possibilities are endless with AmbuPro Search and Report, enabling you to free up countless hours of data collection, analysis and report creation.
Isn’t it Time to Explore a Change?
Isn’t it time to put an end to your frustration, inefficiency, billing delays and lost revenue due to ePCR software that is ineffective?With AmbuPro EMS, it’s all at your fingertips. Take back control of your patient care reporting and data management processes with AmbuPro EMS- the most flexible, intuitive, comprehensive ePCR software available today.
To learn more, visit the AmbuPro EMS web site or contact our sales department at (508) 678-3330 option #6. Ask about our limited time pricing package that will enable you to make change happen affordably. This you don’t want to miss!