This truck and POD system was built by Seagrave (fire and specialty apparatus manufacturer). The special PODS are loaded and unloaded like custom container and refuse trucks. This has been a popular design in Europe and is now hitting the U.S. Montgomery County (Pa.) Emergency Management recently placed two of these unique vehicles in service in their region. They purchased separate MCI and police SWAT/tactical PODS and will be adding a flatbed module that will allow them to transport their Gator vehicles. Most of the MCI equipment for the MCI POD was obtained from EMS Innovations, a company that offers a wide-range of MCI supplies and medical equipment. ItàŒs also stocked with multiple medical/airway/oxygen bags, color-coded tarps, tents and cones, Reeves stretchers, backboards and collapsible military-style litters. This multi-purpose, multi-agency vehicle is especially desirable because it can be funded by Homeland Security grants. To find out more, go