Ryan White Care Act Extension Success

The Ryan White Care Act extension, with the first responder notification language restored, took a major step forward on Sept. 23. Lisa Meyer with Cornerstone Government Affairs wrote to Advocates for EMS members announcing the good news.


“The exact language that was dropped from the bill in 2006 has been reinstated. The measure will now head to the Senate floor for passage. Following passage in the Senate, the House will then take up the bill. Because House and Senate Republicans and Democrats have been working together on the bill, smooth sailing is anticipated, and it should get to the president’s desk by Oct. 1.”


The restored language requires EMS and first responder agencies to appoint a designated infection control officer who would contact the receiving hospital and request the patient’s disease status following a responder’s needle-stick or other exposure to blood or bodily fluids. The act then requires the hospital to test the patient and inform the ICO in writing as soon as possible, but within 48 hours, that the responder was or was not exposed to an infectious disease.

  • For more information, please read, “EMS Community Mobilizes to Restore Exposure-Reporting Rules” (EMS Insider, June 2008).
  • Visit Advocates for EMS at www.advocatesforems.org.


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