Van vs. Highway Arrow Board

On 4-9-2012 The Hebron Fire Department was alerted for an accident with heavy entrapment on Rt.50 in the eastbound lanes in the area of the Royal Farms store. Rescue-Pumper 501 arrived on scene to find a 3 vehicle accident. A work type van rear ended a Maryland state highway vehicle and also came in contact with a Hummer H3. A state highway truck was pulling an arrow board which was crushed after impact. The driver of the van was very heavily trapped inside the driver’s compartment. An additional rescue truck was requested from Station 16 Salisbury to the scene. Rescue crews used the winch off of Rescue 501 to pull the arrow board off the front of the van for rescuers to gain better access to the driver. Crews used Hurst tools removed the driver’s side door. Paramedics on scene were able to climb through the back of the van to start patient assessment. It took crews nearly 40 minutes to free the driver from the wreckage. He was transported to PRMC hospital in Salisbury for treatment. Rt.50 eastbound was shut down for nearly 2 hours during this alarm.

Camden County (NC) Launches New EMS Agency

Camden County is launching its first EMS agency this weekend, after years of relying on neighboring Pasquotank County.

Dallas Fire-Rescue Launches Blood Transfusion Program

Dallas Fire-Rescue launched a pilot program to equip its ambulances with whole blood supplies.