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Real Life Rescues: Anytime, Anyplace and Anywhere

Real Life Rescues podcast logo with an orange Star of Life.

Sponsored by: MEDLITE® First in First Response

Welcome to Real Life Rescues, a podcast that goes behind the scenes and takes an in-depth look into the operational and personal accounts of EMS first responders from Israel’s largest fully volunteer EMS provider United Hatzalah. The podcast is hosted by EMT-P (Paramedic) Dov Maisel and EMT-B (EMT) Raphael Poch.

In today’s episode, we’ll be sharing some of the more dramatic, hilarious and wacky stories of what it means to be a first responder 24/7 and respond anytime, anyplace and anywhere. What happens when you are dispatched to an emergency but are swimming at the beach? Or sleeping at home in your pajamas?

Previous: Assumptions, Gut Reactions and Common Sense

Want to hear more? Download our podcasts by searching for “EMS Today” on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts or Spotify!

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EMS Improv Logo

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The EMS P.O.D. Logo

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