FRANKLIN TWP. Calling the friction between the Quakertown Fire Company and the Quakertown rescue squad a delicate situation, Mayor Robert Shockley joined with the other members of the Township Committee in a unanimous vote to remove the rescue squad from providing any services in the township. Effective immediately, emergency medical services will be provided by Quakertown Fire EMTs, with backup assistance from Clinton and Flemington-Raritan rescue squads.
About 150 people attended the Township Committee s special meeting Tuesday night in the gym at Franklin Township School. Quakertown Fire Chief Bradley Patkochis promised there will be no reduction in care to the citizens as his group ramps up to replace the rescue squad. The fire company already runs a quick repsonse unit to provide advanced life support care, and expects to provide ambulance service for basic life support by December 18.
Read More, Franklin Twp. removes Quakertwon rescue squad as its EMS provider