New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed said rescue crews spent the first 45 minutes trying to get a 19-year-old woman out of a crushed car to no avail Sunday morning on a Missouri highway, according to KHQA-TV, Hannibal, Mo. The older model car’s compacted metal dulled the department’s equipment.
Reed says Lentz was pinned between the steering wheel and the seat. and medical workers told rescue crews that Katie was failing fast.
About an hour into the rescue, the victim asked rescue workers to pray out loud with her and a priest appeared out of nowhere, approached the patient, and offered a prayer, according to Reed, who said he and another firefighter had a sense of calm come over them.
The Hannibal Fire Department showed up after the prayer with fresh equipment and finished the extrication. After getting the victim onto a medical helicopter, rescue workers turned to thank the priest, who had disappeared.
The victim’s condition has been upgraded to serious and she remains hospitalized. She had collided with an allegedly drunk driver who crossed onto the wrong side of the two-lane road