Kansas Paramedics Rescue Man Pinned Beneath Rail Car

WELLINGTON, Kan. (AP) – A Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway worker has lost both of his legs after getting pinned beneath a railroad car in south-central Kansas.

JEMS: Extrication Fundamentals

The Wichita Eagle (http://bit.ly/1blVQIg) reports the man was found around 2:20 a.m. Tuesday in Wellington, 35 miles south of Wichita.

It took paramedics 45 minutes to extract the man from beneath the railcar’s wheels as emergency crews used a jack to lift the car off him.

The victim, who has not been identified, was airlifted from an area hospital to Wichita in critical condition. Wellington Fire Chief Tim Hay says both of his legs were removed.

Information from: The Wichita (Kan.) Eagle, http://www.kansas.com

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