Pennsylvania EMS agencies across the state want to know why they were not included in hazard pay grants distributed by the state.
The state released a list of seven industries that received funding to pay nearly 42,000 workers an additional $3 per hour in hazard pay. There were no EMS agencies on that list, FOX 43 reports.
Nathan Haris, assistant chief at Cumberland Goodwill EMS, told the station he thought his service was eligible for the money.
“We have a documented crisis,” he said. “We have a need to help people out during a pandemic, and we just kind of get ignored in the midst of it. It’s very frustrating for providers to see that list released.”
The $50 million was divided among seven industries:
Healthcare — 63.5% – $31.75 million
Food Manufacturing — 7.2% – $3.6 million
Food Retail — 8.2% – $4.09 million
Social Assistance — 12.6% – $6.3 million
Janitorial — 3.7% – $1.84 million
Transportation — 1.2% – $592,000
Security — 3.6% – $1.8 million
The Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania sent out a call to action on Tuesday, urging the state to support EMS workers.
The states suggested more hazard pay funding could come from the federal government.