The CaraMedic program embraces the broadening role of paramedics beyond acute emergency services into education, treatment, and support of high-risk or chronically ill patients. Mission Health’s care management model integrates paramedics as key members of multidisciplinary teams including care coordinators, clinical pharmacists, and social workers. The program, which is funded through the ACO’s shared savings, the Certified Community Paramedics of the CaraMedic program are the “eyes and ears, the boots on the ground” of the care team who have the opportunity to evaluate home environments, assess safety risks, and educate patients to self-manage their health. They are the first Community Paramedic program in the United States to be 100% board certified as Certified Community Paramedics.
Currently there are 94 people who have successfully obtained the credential internationally and only 17 board certified community paramedics work in North Carolina – nearly half of those are with the Mission CaraMedic program. To prepare for the examination, team members completed over 216 hours of education and 220 hours of clinical rotations.
Congratulations to the CaraMedic program’s Certified Community Paramedics: Christian Brackett, Bryan Dixon, Tucker Forlines, Randy Fugate, Chadd Pickelsimer, Jennifer Wallace, and Thomas Ward.
About the Certified Community Paramedic (CP-C®):
Launched in 2015, the intent of the CP-C® exam is to create a psychometrically valid and legally defensible measure of knowledge for all paramedics practicing in either a community paramedic or mobile integrated health model in the U.S. An exam process validates the essential knowledge and judgment required for safe and competent practice would allow programs to establish a baseline for competency of providers as well as provide assurances to the public, insurers and other payor that they better understand what services are being provided. The expectation for the CP-C exam candidate is competency in four main subject areas that include 1. Community Based Needs, 2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration, 3. Patient Centric Care and 4. Preventive Care & Education. A detailed content outline is available at
About the International Board of Specialty Certification:
The International Board of Specialty Certification (IBSC) is the evolution of the Board for Critical Care Transport Paramedic Certification (BCCTPC). Our Certified Flight Paramedic (FP-C®), Certified Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C®) Certified Tactical Paramedic (TP-C®), Certified Tactical Responder (TR-C®) and Certified Community Paramedic (CP-C®) examinations are well established and have become a recognized standard for clinical competency by medical providers in the United States, Europe, South Africa and the Middle East.
The International Board of Specialty Certification is a not-for-profit corporation with the mission of developing, implementing and maintaining specialty certification exams to measure the attainment and application of a defined body of knowledge in specific roles. For more information, call 770-978-4400 or email at
John R. Clark, Chief Operating Officer
4835 Riveredge Cove,
Snellville, GA 30039