AUSTIN, Texas — MedaPoint, Inc. will publically debut its new end-to-end EMS product suite, AdvanceOneâ„¢, as well as the AdvanceCareâ„¢ ePCR (Electronic Patient Care Report) application within the suite, at the Pinnacle 2015 EMS Leadership & Management Conference held at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort in Amelia Island, Fla., from Aug. 3-7.
The Texas-based EMS software company, a platinum sponsor of the annual conference, will be stationed at Booth 57 in the Magnolia Ballroom. According to MedaPoint CEO John Dadey, this year’s event will be a pivotal occurrence for the company and the greater EMS industry as well.
“While we always look forward to attending the [Pinnacle EMS] Conference, this year’s event will be particularly exciting for us,” Dadey said. “We’re set to unveil our breakthrough technology which will allow EMS staffs to manage the entire patient cycle through a single, seamless interface, from any location at any time.”
The 100 percent Web-based, fully-integrated AdvanceOne product suite culminates with the unveiling of the company’s new ePCR application, AdvanceCare, which will automate workflows and simplify the care documentation process. With this development, AdvanceOne comes full circle, facilitating the complete patient-care cycle — from dispatch, to care documentation, to billing — through one secure cloud-based system.
About MedaPoint
Founded in 2009 and based in Austin, Texas, MedaPoint is revolutionizing emergency medical services by delivering efficient, state-of-the-art billing, ePCR and dispatch solutions which are both affordable and accessible. Built upon groundbreaking technology and dynamic vision, MedaPoint’s applications currently support more than 1,500 private and municipal emergency medical service providers throughout the United States, including one of the nation’s leading private ambulance services, which provides more than 1.5 million transports annually.