Basic CPR Feedback
“Push hard, push fast.” That’s the basic mantra for compression-only CPR, which we know can save lives during cardiac arrest. How do we know when students in our citizen CPR classes have the right compression depth, rate and full release? For compression rate, we might use a metronome or play “Stayin’ Alive.” To assure proper depth, we may use manikins with a clicker, although monitoring compression release requires some sort of electronic device. The new cprCUBE from I.M. Lab provides a compact, low-cost, easy-to-use CPR feedback coach. Students simply push on the top of the urethane foam block, and a sensor analyzes output in real-time. Once the student has the correct depth, rate and release, a series of LED lights around the base is activated. This allows an instructor to easily see which students are performing CPR properly and those who require additional coaching.
Dimensions: 3.9″ x 3.9″ x 4.3″
Weight: 8.5 oz. (without batteries)
Power: DC 3 V; 4 AA batteries
Price: $59.00
Simple Vein Visualization
Over the past 30 years, the technology to improve accuracy for difficult IV sticks has been revolutionary. This technology is at the top of many paramedics’ wish list. There are several tricks of the trade, such as holding a light at a low angle, that also work. The new Illumivein from Easy-RN LLC, uses nine high-powered LEDs to provide red illumination that helps visualize veins when the light is placed against the skin. To use the Illumivein, you simply turn the light on, place it against the skin in an area of venous access, and move the light across the skin until you see the shadow of the vein underneath the light. You can then more easily cannulate the vein, since you can now see it as well as feel it.
Dimensions: 4″ long; 1″ diameter
Weight: 2.5 oz. (with batteries)
Power: 3 AAA batteries
Price: $24.99
Handy USB Power
How many items of technology do you carry that can be recharged with a USB cord? The new USB Dual Port 4.8 power outlet from Kussmaul Electronics gives you easy access to two USB ports without the need for chargers that plug into a vehicle cigarette lighter. This is especially convenient since many ambulance chassis no longer come with lighters, since you can’t smoke in an ambulance. Designed to fit in the standard opening of an emergency lighting switch panel, the Kussmaul USB Dual Port 4.8 offers two, 2.4 amp outlets that allows you to charge two tablets or large cell phones at a rate faster than a 1.0 amp outlet.
Dimensions: 1.73″ x 0.96″ x 2.19″
Weight: 16 oz.
Power input: 10—30v
Power output: 4.8 amps max
Price: $24.99
Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
If you served in the military, you’re likely familiar with an individual first aid kit. IFAKs hold the essential items needed to save yourself or your buddy from a major trauma, such as a gunshot wound or other penetrating trauma. The new IFAK Pouch from Rescue Essentials fits the bill, incorporating space for a variety of supplies, such as an oral airway, nasal airway, tourniquet, field dressing and homeostatic agent into a heavy duty, lightweight, 500D Cordura nylon pouch with multiple attachment points, MOLLE webbing, D rings and elastic straps to organize your gear as you need to.
Dimensions: 7.5″ x 6″ x 3.5″
Weight: 12 oz.
Color: Black
Price: $26.95
Light Up a Difficult Airway
A difficult airway is an EMS nightmare. You can’t ventilate well, if at all, and you know that intubation will be difficult. One of the limitations of the traditional laryngoscope is the light source only illuminates half of the pharynx. This makes it difficult to see exactly where bleeding is coming from, or to see enough of the vocal cords while suctioning emesis. The new Vie Scope from Adroit Medical has a clear, circular blade that’s fully illuminated and provides a bright light inside the entire pharynx. Since the blade is circular, the intubation technique is altered–you visualize the vocal cords and pass a bougie through the barrel of the Vie Scope into the trachea, removing the scope while holding the bougie in place and then sliding the tube over the bougie into the trachea.
Price: $79.00
O2 Tank-Saving CPAP
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has radically changed the way we treat congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. Some CPAP units connect to the high-pressure oxygen port and use a high volume of oxygen, which often limits CPAP use inside a residence to 10 minutes or less when using a size D cylinder. The new GO-PAP from Pulmodyne operates off the low-pressure oxygen port at a flow rate of 10 Lpm. This flow rate provides an FiO2 of 30% and a runtime of 42 minutes on a full cylinder (size D). The positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is set independent of flow and can be maintained at 5, 7.5 or 10 cmH2O. The small package size of the GO-PAP makes it easy to keep in your regular O2 duffle.
Flow rate: 10 Lpm
PEEP: 5, 7.5, 10 cm H2O
Price: Call for price