UHD Ambulance Awarded Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant

United Hospital District (UHD) ambulance is pleased to announce that Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has awarded the Ambulance with a grant to purchase 25 sets of Personal Protective clothing valued at over $25,000.00 for the EMT’s.

This grant awards the UHD ambulance personal protective clothing known as extrication suits. These suits are essentially a lighter version of the bunker gear worn by firefighters, designed specifically for emergency scenes other than fires. The grant also allows for the purchase of helmets, boots, gloves, hi-visibility vests, and equipment storage bags for each member of the service. This gives each member head to toe protection from the hazards that they may encounter.

Many first responders in rural areas are volunteers that show up to help in any way that they can. This often means that they are responding to the scene in whatever clothing they happen to have on at the time of the call. Having this protective equipment will greatly minimize the chance of an injury and allow EMT’s to work safely in and around the scene.

In 2005, the Firehouse Subs founders established the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation with the mission of providing funding, life-saving equipment, and educational opportunities to first-responders and public safety organizations. Through the non-profit 501(c)(3), Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has granted more than $29.5 million to hometown heroes in 46 states, Puerto Rico and Canada.

Each restaurant recycles leftover, five-gallon pickle buckets, available to guests for a $2 donation to the Foundation. Donation canisters on register counters explain the non-profit’s mission and collect spare change, while the Round Up Program allows guests to “round up” their bill to the nearest dollar. All funds raised benefit the Foundation. The Foundation is also the beneficiary of a Charitable Sales Promotion where Firehouse of America (FOA) will donate to the Foundation a sum equivalent to 0.13% of all gross sales with a minimum donation of $1,000,000 through December 31, 2017.

The UHD Ambulance would like to thank Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for their commitment to local first responders. Through the generous contribution of the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation, the men and women of the UHD Ambulance are better protected from the hazards that they face every day.

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