St. Louis Nurse Campaigns for Ambulance Upgrades

Outfitting St. Louis ambulances with machines that save precious minutes for heart attack patients would be one of Helen Sandkuhl’s biggest accomplishments in her 36-year-career as an emergency room nurse ranking with saving a newborn’s life and comforting a scared family member.

Her campaign started three years ago, when St. Louis Fire Department chief of paramedics Monroe Yancie asked for her help in getting new electrocardiographs known as EKGs devices that measure heart rhythms. Sandkuhl is the director of emergency nursing at St. Louis University Hospital, where the paramedics transport a chunk of their patients.

Read More, Nurse eys upgrades in ambulances in the city

IN Police Investigate Ambulance Crash

Indiana State Police and Fort Wayne Police are investigating a crash involving a TRAA ambulance that occurred late Thursday morning on I-69.

Employee Found Dead Inside NYC Ambulette

Authorities are investigating the death of Peter Forrest, 64, an employee of Marquee Ambulette, a Nassau County-based patient transportation company.