Request for Proposals: Ambulance Transport Services in Sandpoint, ID

The City of Sandpoint, Idaho will accept RFP’s at the business office of the City Clerk at City Hall located at 1123 W. Lake Street, Sandpoint, Idaho until 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, on Monday November 1, 2010, for the following project:

Ambulance Transport Services

Service Summary: The Service includes the delivery of ambulance transport services within the City of Sandpoint.

Questions on the project should be addressed to Sandpoint City Clerk Maree Peck at:

Telephone: (208) 263 – 3310

Prospective Bidders are encouraged to investigate and examine all conditions and requirements affecting the full performance requirements within the RFP to verify any representations made by the City upon which the proposer will rely. 

The Request for Proposal Documents may be received electronically or by mail by contacting:

Sandpoint City Clerk, Maree Peck at:

1123 Lake St
Sandpoint, ID 83864

All communications relative to this RFP are to be directed to the Sandpoint City Clerk Maree Peck prior to the closing date.

All RFP’s shall be presented or otherwise delivered to the City Clerk, Maree Peck under seal with a concise statement marked on the outside thereof identified as “RFP Package — City of Sandpoint, Ambulance Transport Services.”

The City of Sandpoint reserves the right to reject any and all Bids.

Dated:  October 1, 2010 

/s/ Maree Peck
Maree Peck, City Clerk, City of Sandpoint

Publish: October 1, 2010

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