Editor’s Note: Eric S. Monty suffered a fatal heart attack while driving an ambulance transporting a patient on Nov. 27, according to the Press-Republican. For more, visit: http://pressrepublican.com/0100_news/x2120607854/Champlain-EMS-ambulance-driver-killed-in-crash.
MOOERS, N.Y. — A New York EMT was killed and two other crew members were seriously injured in an ambulance crash that happened Tuesday morning. Eric Monty, 45, of Mooers, was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to Times of TI, the ambulance, with Mooers Volunteer Fire Department, had responded as mutual aid to the Altona Fire District, and was transporting a patient to a nearby hospital when it left the roadway.
The original patient on board, Gary Lamarche, 55, of Altona, was transported to CVPH Medical Center in stable condition, according to the Press Republican. EMS crew members Susan Roberts, 52, of Mooers, and Peter Coulombe, 26, of Champlain, were transported to CVPH in serious condition.
The ambulance was the only vehicle involved in the crash, and New York State Police are investigating.