EMS Driver Was In No Shape to Drive Before Wrecking and Killing Patient, According to Partner

LOUISVILLE — Two hours before a Louisville metro ambulance driver wrecked, killing the patient she was carrying, her partner was telling another EMS worker that Tammy Brewer was loopy and in no shape to be driving. But nobody got Brewer out from behind the wheel of the ambulance before she wrecked.

The stunning revelations have shown up in an internal investigation of why the ambulance wrecked three months ago, killing Vickie Whobrey.

An eyewitness says the Louisville metro ambulance was weaving all over the road before crashing into a telephone pole and killing the patient inside. Now, an internal investigation and the words of Tammy brewer s partner indicate that maybe she shouldn t have been driving that ambulance on April 3.

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SD EMS Staffing Shortages Threaten Emergency Response Systems

South Dakota emergency medical services (EMS) providers are not immune to the staffing shortage plaguing agencies across the United States.

Buffalo (NY) Weighs Nurse Navigator Program to Improve Ambulance Response

Buffalo leaders are pushing for a new program called nurse navigation to improve ambulance response times and reduce the strain on emergency medical services (EMS).