DC Council Committee Gets Earful on EMS

Reprinted with Permission

WASHINGTON, D.C. – D.C. Fire Chief Dennis Rubin was on the hot seat Friday before the Council Judiciary Committee. Chairman Phil Mendelson had lots of questions about the death of 2-year-old Stephanie Stephens.

She died last month after her parents called 911 from their apartment on Southern Avenue. The hearing focused on whey an ambulance failed to transport her immediately to the hospital.

The panel also had questions about Kimberly Kelsey, who says medics refused to take her to a hospital last December. She says had to call twice and wound up in an intensive care unit for a week.

Chief Rubin said he took responsibility for the actions of his people and has taken steps to revise department policy to prevent such incidents in the future.

D.C. Police Investigate EMS, Toddler Death as Homicide – JEMS.com

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