BOISE, Idaho — Ada County (Idaho) Commissioners on Monday are slated to repeal an emergency medical services ordinance that went into effect Jan. 1.
The ordinance standardized ambulance operations throughout the county and established tighter licensing guidelines for ambulance personnel. It also required all paramedics to be licensed by the county and established the county as the sole provider of 911-ambulance service, a move Kuna, Meridian and other cities said is prohibited by state statute.
The cities maintained that the county does not have the authority to impose its ordinance on a city, and that the ordinance infringes on the city and rural fire districts ability to provide services to residents.
Ada County, Kuna and Meridian each took the matter to court, asking a judge to decide whether the ordinance complied with state code. The judge ruled the county exceeded the scope of authority granted to ambulance taxing districts.