Budget Committees Approve Medi-Cal Cuts
Last week, the respective California Senate and Assembly budget committees approved the Governor’s budget plan which includes a 10% permanent cut in Medi-Cal rates for ground ambulance providers. The legislative conference committee will consider the budget proposal later this week. It is critical for providers to continue to write letters and schedule meetings with local Senators and Assembly Members requesting an exemption for lifesaving ambulance services from the Medi-Cal rate cut.
CAA-Sponsored Medi-Cal Bill Introduced
The CAA is pleased to report that last week, Senator Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina) introduced SB 359 to address Medi-Cal Ground Ambulance Rates. The bill requires the department to adopt regulations no later than July 1, 2012 establishing Medi-Cal reimbursement rates for ground ambulance services based upon existing statutes, regulations, and case law and using the federal GAO ambulance cost report as the evidentiary base for cost-based ambulance rates. To access the bill, go to: www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/sen/sb_0351-0400/sb_359_bill_20110215_introduced.pdf
Call, Write a Letter and Meet with Your Senator or Assembly Member Today
We urge every ambulance provider in the state to meet with their Senate and Assembly Members in their home districts. Please contact your legislators’ scheduler and ask for an appointment while the legislator is in the district. To obtain local office contact information, go to the California Legislative Information website at www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html. During the meeting, emphasize that ambulance services are unique:
- Medi-Cal cuts will impact every patient that dials 9-1-1.
- Lifesaving ambulance services are unique because they are mandated to respond in an emergency and cannot “opt out” of the Medi-Cal program.
- As critical safety net providers, essential ambulance services already provide significant charity care to the uninsured without access to federal and state financial support.
During the meeting, request immediate action from the Senator or Assembly Member:
- Support an exemption for ambulance services from the Medi-Cal rate cut.
- Send a message to the legislative leadership and respective Budget Committees that ambulance providers desperately need an exemption from the Medi-Cal rate cut.
CAA position papers on this issue can be found at www.the-caa.org/ExemptAmbFromMedi-Cal-Rate-Cut.html.
In January, Governor Brown announced $1.7 billion in cuts to the Medi-Cal program and the budget proposal includes a permanent 10 percent reduction to Medi-Cal ambulance rates. The CAA is working with a broad group of stakeholders on simultaneous legislative, regulatory and legal strategies to prevent a rate reduction.