EMS workers seem to finally be getting the message and taking their own safety more seriously, acknowledging that ambulances and emergency vehicles arenàŒt rolling fortresses, and that people and equipment inside the ambulance need to be secured to prevent injury or death in the event of a collision or sudden stop. One of the heaviest pieces of portable equipment in an ambulance is the cardiac monitor/defibrillator, which can be a lethal projectile during a collision. To protect you from injury, Allure Medical offers the Defibrillator Mounting System, which quickly secures your Physio-Control LIFEPAK 12, Zoll M & E Series and Philips Medical MRx monitors while allowing rotation for easy viewing.
Models: 7
Weight: 8 lbs. (LP12 model)
Cost: $350à’$395àœ
Fran Hildwine, BS, NREMT-P, CCEMT-P, coordinates the monthly Hands On column in JEMS. HeàŒs the administrative director of the Paramedic Training Institute at Crozer Chester Medical Center in Delaware County, Pa., and an adjunct faculty member at Delaware County Community College with more than 19 yearsàŒ EMS experience. Contact him atàœfran100b@zoominternet.net.