2016 Star of Life: Greg Sorensen, Metro West Ambulance

2016 AAA Star of Life Greg Sorensen

Greg Sorensen: EMT-P/FTO
Metro West Ambulance: Hillsboro, Ore.

We are honored to present Greg Sorensen as a 2016 Star of Life for his dedication to EMS and for his instruction of the art and science of prehospital medicine to numerous EMTs and paramedics entering the world of EMS. His 32-year commitment to the field of EMS is commendable.

With a 10-year start in EMS, Greg began his career at Metro West Ambulance in June 1999 and became a FTO in 2004. Greg also fills in as an operations supervisor, co-chairs the quality improvement (QI) committee, and is a member of the communication center’s QI committee. Greg is an outstanding example of personal integrity, dedication and compassion in EMS–qualities everyone strives for in their own EMS careers–and truly represents the gold standard of prehospital emergency care.

Greg works with various EMTs, paramedics and potential new hires on developing their skills in the field and teaches them the past, present and future of EMS. Greg knows the future of EMS is built on teaching these individuals to be the best medical providers possible.

In his spare time Greg helps facilitate volunteer projects for the needy in the community he lives in, and he helps facilitate yearly volunteer projects for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.

These are but a few reasons why Greg Sorensen deserves the honor of being an American Ambulance Association 2016 Star of Life.

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