Florida EMS Chief Named IAEMSC Harvard Fellow

The International Association of Emergency Medical Services Chiefs
(IAEMSC) today announced the selection of Collier County (FL) Emergency Medical Services Battalion Chief Walter Kopka as the Intermedix IAEMSC Harvard Fellow of 2011.

Chief Kopka was selected from a competitive pool of highly qualified candidates from throughout the United States for this highest honor for leaders in the field of Emergency Medical Services.  His longstanding contributions to the discipline of EMS and commitment to the advancement of the EMS discipline distinguished him from his peers.

Lawrence Tan, IAEMSC President, said “Chief Kopka represents the best of EMS leadership in the United States today.  Over the course of his distinguished career, he has helped to advance the discipline as we know it today.  His involvement in EMS organizations such as Collier County EMS, the Collier County Sheriff’s Department and the IAEMSC has resulted in contributions that have further refined and advanced the discipline.
We are proud to recognize Walter for his accomplishments.  We look forward to his continued contributions to the IAEMSC and the global EMS community.”

Doug Shamon, Chief Executive Officer at Intermedix Corporation, added, “We sponsor this scholarship with the recognition that promoting the advancement of EMS management as a profession is a highly worthy endeavor.
 We extend our congratulations to Chief Kopka and expect he will find this program to be an exceptional opportunity.”

Chief Kopka will be participating in the Harvard University—John F.
Kennedy School of Government’s Senior Executives in State and Local Government program convened on campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government provides experiences for participants both inside and outside the classroom to ensure that public officials are equipped on a daily basis to manage and lead results-driven government agencies and non-profit organizations. In particular, this program provides an opportunity to:

~ Develop new conceptual frameworks for addressing program and policy issues ~ Explore the relationship between citizens and their government ~ Examine the ethical and professional responsibilities of leadership

This three-week program is designed specifically to challenge assumptions about how to exercise leadership in the public sector. During the course of this program, participants learn strategies for establishing meaningful, attainable organizational objectives. Program participants also investigate the process of developing and evaluating policy alternatives and consider options for organizing and deploying resources to achieve these objectives.

For additional information about the International Association of Emergency Medical Services Chiefs, see www.IAEMSC.org – 1-877-442-3672.

About Intermedix Corporation

Intermedix (www.intermedix.com) helps fund and support our nation’s emergency safety net – emergency physicians, hospital emergency departments, and 911-emergency responders.  We engineer advanced technologies into our business processes to meet incident documentation requirements, realize revenue potential, and provide advanced informatics to our customers.  Our solutions are designed for performance and compliance, allowing our customers to focus on saving lives and promoting healthy recoveries from accidents and illnesses.

Intermedix serves the emergency physician and hospital emergency department market through its subsidiary EPBS, the emergency medical services (ambulance) market through its subsidiary ADPI, and the fire response market through its subsidiary Revenue Rescue.  Intermedix has clients throughout the United States and has collected billions of dollars for its clients since its founding.

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