Vic Convertino, PhD, presented on how the use of intrathoracic pressure regulation (IPR) therapy applied with an impedance threshold device can restore the body’s ability to compensate for blood loss that can be measured with a novel technology called the Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI).
Convertino presented evidence that IPR therapy can provide an effective resuscitation effect in the absence of fluids by enhancing the return of blood to the heart and brain, and subsequently restore the reserve capacity of the cardiovascular system to compensate during hemorrhage. He finished his presentation by showing the audience how the restoration of the body’s compensatory reserve by application of IPR therapy can “˜buy time’ by delaying the onset of shock.
Some additional key points made by Convertino were:
- How new technology can indicate an early progression toward shock well in advance of vital signs and provide guidance for effective resuscitation.
- What is the physiology underlying the resuscitation effect of impedance threshold devices (ITDs).
- What is the importance of measuring oscillatory blood pressure and flow.
- The latest research on the use of ITDs to rapidly and non-invasively treat shock without fluids.
- How measurement of the CRI can provide goal-directed resuscitation in combination with IPR therapy.