Every year,àœJEMS showcases recently released products designed to help EMS providers do their jobs more efficiently and safely. This March, theàœJEMS product review team spent two days combing the exhibit hall at the 24th annual EMS Today Conference & Exposition in Baltimore. The team of seasoned field providers, educators and EMS procurement specialists met with 227 exhibitors, reviewing products recently introduced to our industry and asking about product design, rationale, function and practical application for prehospital medicine. These are the team’s picks for the hottest new products unveiled within the previous six months.
Breath of Fresh Air in Viral Protection
Techtrade LLC Breathable Viral Apparel garments are made from a fabric that filters bacteria and viruses down to 0.027 microns but allows heat to dissipate. (Note: The avian flu virus is three times larger at 0.08à’0.12 microns.) The breathable fabric is available in masks, gowns, hazmat suits, scrubs, sheets and pillow cases. Look for a more in-depth field test of this breathable viral barrier fabric in an upcoming issue ofàœJEMS.
For more information, visitàœwww.techtradellc.comor call 866/491-TECH (8324).àœ
Fran Hildwine, BS, NREMT-P, CCEMT-P, is a paramedic lieutenant with Crozer Chester Medical Center in Delaware County, Pa. He’s an adjunct faculty member at Delaware County Community College with more than 18 years’ EMS experience. Fran is currently pursuing his MBA at Widener University. Contact him atàœfran100b@zoominternet.net.