High-tech, mega-dollar command posts are nice. Some of them look like they could back up NASA’s mission control. But emergency medicine also requires equipment that can operate on any terrain, sometimes even miles from the nearest paved road. If that’s where your next large incident occurs, you’ll wish you had Reeves’ new Incident Command Post (ICP). Part trailer, part pop-up shelter, the ICP has 16″ of ground clearance for traversing rugged surfaces. The Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH) has no loose parts to misplace and can be set up in 10 minutes after removal from its storage bag. This ICP offers multiple floor plans, and its optional interoperable communications equipment includes satellite communications, Internet access and integrated command and control systems.
Weight: 2,200 lbs.
Trailer Length: 15′ 6″
Trailer Width: 6′
Cost: $36,000à’$40,000