“If you don’t carry it on your person everyday, it won’t be there when you really need it.” This is one of the tenets of street survival training — and why EMTs and paramedics always carry gloves. So what do you do when you respond to the noontime call at a residence and have to assess a patient in an unlit attic? Where’s your flashlight? Is it on you or back in your rig? Designed to be easily carried, theàœNovatac EDC 120E is a compact light that will fit in your pocket. This versatile light is programmed to switch on at just 35 lumens. If you double-click it, the light illuminates to 70 lumens. If you click it and hold down the activator, you’ll get a super-bright 120 lumens. And a triple-click will place it in a signaling strobe mode.
Weight: 31 oz. (with battery)
Length: 3.3″
Diameter: 1″
Cost: $139