New emergency Oxygen technology is now available to provide Oxygen to the more than 7 million breathing emergencies that occur every year. Rapid Oxygen’s new groundbreaking portable R15 emergency Oxygen system is a non-explosive Oxygen device developed in conjunction with the University of Michigan for home safety, drug overdoses and other emergencies. The patented R15 bridges the gap between a life-threatening event and the arrival of emergency medical services (EMS), providing 100% Oxygen during the first critical minutes of any emergency. The R15 Oxygen delivery system can be placed beside first aid kits, fire-extinguishers, or automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and safely used by anyone without training.
Emergency Oxygen provided by the R15 is particularly useful as part of the treatment strategy in today’s growing opioid crisis. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit states, “”¦individuals who are experiencing opioid overdose should be ventilated with 100% Oxygen before Naloxone is administered to reduce the risk of acute lung injury.” Naloxone is a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose.
States that require AEDs should also mandate the R15 Emergency Oxygen device that is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use by untrained bystanders without a prescription – even a child can administer R15’s Oxygen. The R15 device is designed for airports, train stations, schools, offices, manufacturing and industrial plants, houses of worship, golf courses, restaurants and hotels, to name a few, for immediate access to life-saving Oxygen.
“Oxygen is an effective first aid response to prevent more serious medical conditions during an emergency and can help a victim survive until EMS arrive on scene,” explained inventor and founder of the Rapid Oxygen Company, Dr. Richard Imbruce. “Our grab and go Oxygen provides continuous flow emergency Oxygen for about twice the average time it takes for an ambulance to arrive after 911 is called. Safety professionals recognize our new R15 as an emergency response solution to be used where Oxygen cylinders are not permitted by law, due to the fact that they are explosive.” Dr. Imbruce went on to say, “The R15 solves those safety concerns — there is nothing out there like it!” For more information visit the company’s website at
Rapid Oxygen ( is a Med tech company that manufactures and markets the R15: a patented rapid response oxygen technology for airway and cardiac emergencies, operable by any Good Samaritan without certification or training. The R15 was designed in conjunction with the University of Michigan to provide immediately accessible 100% Oxygen – safe, portable, non-explosive oxygen, permitted anywhere, even in public areas where Oxygen cylinders are restricted by law. The R15 is cleared by the FDA for emergency use as an Over-the-Counter (OTC) device, eliminating the need for a medical prescription as required for Oxygen cylinders.