LIFE-STAT Hands-Free CPR System

Now that weàŒre well versed in the 2005 CPR guidelines, weàŒre all changing compressors every two minutes toàœ
eliminate rescuer fatigue and improve cardiac arrest survival rates. Another option is to replace the humanàœ
provider with a mechanical device. The Hands-Free CPR System from LIFE-STAT provides AHA-compliantàœ
compressions and ventilations at a 30:2 ratio with a BLS airway in place, as well as continuous compressionsàœ
with asynchronous ventilations (nine per minute) for a patient with an advanced airway in place. It can beàœ
mounted on a LIFE-STAT Backboard or mounted directly to a spineboard with a Michigan Instruments spineboard clip. Better yet, itàŒs in action within five seconds, with virtually no interruption to the manual compression cycle.àœ

Weight: 16 lbs.
Power: 60 psi oxygen
Capacity: 15 min. on an àEà“ cylinder

ND Plans Distressed Ambulance Service Program to Bolster Rural EMS

North Dakota legislators are considering a proposal to bolster emergency medical services (EMS) in rural areas.

Treat-No-Transport Fees Leave MI Woman Feeling Taken for a Ride

A Royal Oak woman was shocked to receive a $1,450 bill for an ambulance ride she never took.