Battlefield medicine is the ultimate challenge. The wounds are more complex and not often seen in the civilian setting. The setting itself adds a layer of complexity that very few will ever experience outside of a natural disaster. TheàœBattlefield & Nursing Pocket GuidefromàœJones & Bartlett providesàœstate-of-the-art, evidence-based recommendations for providing care under exceptional conditions. It even includes a translation guide to ensure accurate communications in a far away land.àœ
Jones & Bartlett Battlefield & Nursing Pocket Guide
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Ambulance Service Launches in Scottsdale (AZ)
Since Dec. 15, the first of Scottsdale's new, $450,000 ambulances has been darting around the city, delivering patients from care facilities and private residences to hospitals around Old Town.
11 Kids Injured as School Bus Flips Onto Side in Staten Island (NY) Crash
A total of 14 individuals, including 11 children, were injured when a yellow school bus overturned in a crash in Dongan Hills Friday morning, according to authorities.