WILMINGTON, OH (September 5, 2012)– Ferno introduces the new Injury Free Program. Ferno recognizes that your body is the most important tool you have as an emergency responder and has developed Injury Free injury to teach injury prevention and wellness from an EMS perspective. Learn the right way to move patients and equipment. Explore proper nutrition and exercises to keep you healthy and safe.
Injury Free is available as an app through iTunes or Google Play for Android. The program can also be viewed at www.FernoInjuryFree.com.
Ferno created Injury Free with the help of Bryan Fass, the Fit Responder. Bryan is a Paramedic, and is Nationally Certified and Licensed as an Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Bryan has lectured and taught for numerous county and private organizations, and national level trade shows including EMS Expo.
For more information on the Injury Free Program visit www.fernoinjuryfree.com.
Ferno is recognized as the global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of
emergency patient-handling equipment and mortuary products and exports to more than 100 countries.