eSchedule Equipment Inventory Module

Who has pager number XYZ123? Which staff members have outdated safety gear? Why didnàŒt I start that database program we talked about? An electronic database to manage all the EMS equipment in your department can make tracking, upgrading and budgeting of issued equipment much easier. TheàœEquipment Inventory Module fromàœeSchedule not only allows you to track equipment items assigned to each member or employee, but also contains versatile reporting features that allow you to manage inventory and track budget controls.

Software: Any Web browser
Item limit: None
Report by: Individual, item or serial #
Export: Excel
Cost: $10/monthàœ

Camden County (NC) Launches New EMS Agency

Camden County is launching its first EMS agency this weekend, after years of relying on neighboring Pasquotank County.

Dallas Fire-Rescue Launches Blood Transfusion Program

Dallas Fire-Rescue launched a pilot program to equip its ambulances with whole blood supplies.