Fire helmets can be cumbersome and heavy, and helmets designed for climbing, wateràœrescue and bike teams have their place during specialty operations. But what can provide comfortable head protection inside and outside the ambulance? The third generationàœAmbulance Vehicle Crew (AVC3)àœHelmetàœfromàœAllMed is designed to never extend more thanàœ1àœ1/2″ from your head. This makes it compact enough to wear inside tight spaces during extrication. (No more piles of helmets sitting on top of a mangled car.) The AVC3 can also be worn in the ambulance to reduce your risk of head injury in a crash. The double-curved visor allows it to fit closely to your face, but not in front of your nose, limiting fogging. An attached LED light makes it easy to see, and a black reflective band makes it easily visible in the dark.àœ
Cost: $270
Weight: Less than 2 lbs.