This is your pit stop! In these tough economic times, you have to be smart about any dollars that leave your budget. But when you need a new rig, you need a new rig. That’s why we’ve compiled this listing to showcase the latest from ambulance manufacturers in North America. The photos on the next few pages might inspire your next vehicle specs. Also, be sure to check out exclusive articles and additional interior and exterior ambulance photos on our Special Topic page at JEMS
2009 Ambulance Manufacture Showcase
Must View
Crash in West Englewood (IL) Leaves Three Injured After Semi Hits Ambulance
A semi slammed into an ambulance in West Englewood, flipping it onto two cars and sending three people to the hospital.
Man Rescued at Ellicott Creek (NY) Bark Park
A Kenmore man was rescued at the Ellicott Island Bark Park in the Town of Tonawanda on Saturday morning after he had retrieved his dog from the water.