Much of what we do in modern EMS is dependent on technology. From AEDs to 12 Lead ECGs, Medical Command Communications to internet connected vehicles which can transmit video our history is filled with the latest and greatest in medical technology. At his EMS Today 2017 session “CPR Adjuncts for 2017 and the Future,” Dr. Craig Manifold, MD, EMS Medical Director UTHSCA took a look at some of the latest and greatest technology that will have an impact on EMS providers.
First up was the Apple Watch and apps for other wearable tech. Dr. Manifold relayed the story of an EMS physician interrogating the Apple Watch of a patient with new onset of atrial fibrillation. The physician was able to determine the time of onset as being within the past few hours and allowed the patient to be quickly cardioverted to a normal rhythm without the need for a hospital admission and anti-coagulation medications. The “CardioBot” app which can display basic ECGs on your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch.
The SMART BAG MO is a bag-valve-mask designed to prevent the all too common tendency of over ventilation during resuscitation. A special design and blend of plastics limits tidal volumes and causes the bag to refill more slowly than a traditional BVM which limits ventilation rates to the recommended rates.
The use of ultrasound is hotly debated in EMS circles and there are several sessions on its use at EMS Today 2017. The new Clarius Ultrasound features a Bluetooth connect probe which transmits to your cell phone, tablet or laptop. The greatest innovation is the price which ranges from $7,000—$10,000 depending on features. This is much more affordable when compared to the $30,000 units used in emergency departments. Ultrasound can be used to determine cardiac wall motion in low perfusion states where traditional assessment techniques are unreliable.
We all know that fluid resuscitation for hypovolemic shock is one way EMS saves lives and improves patient outcomes. But what is the best, most efficient way to deliver a fluid bolus? In EMS we often use a pressure bag, wrap a blood pressure cuff around the fluid bag or just squeeze the bag. The new LifeFlow hand powered rapid infuser from 410 Medical has been shown to be faster and more accurate than any EMS fluid delivery system.
Some of the other technology discussed by Dr. Manifold includes the use of Trans Esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) which is displayed on your phone, lightweight Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) units, sensors for a patient’s Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI), Head’s Up CPR and Hands On Defibrillation.
Some of the products mentioned above are in the running to be an EMS Today Hot Product and be on the lookout for more information on other new products in upcoming Hands On columns in JEMS.