City of Kyle Passes Resolution Recognizing The Code Green Campaign

Spokane, WA – March 1st 2016 – On March 1st the City of Kyle, Texas, passed a resolution drafted by District 5 Councilmember Damon Fogley which recognized The Code Green Campaign as “a valuable resource in the City of Kyle for our first responders” and called upon the citizens of Kyle, Texas, to “show their support to the brave men and women of law enforcement, fire and EMS” from this date forward. The resolution passed unanimously.

Secretary Fiona Campbell of The Code Green Campaign spoke before Mayor R. Todd Webster and the City Council regarding The Code Green Campaign’s founding and work to date. In attendance to show their support for the resolution were representatives from Kyle Police Department, San Marcos-Hays County EMS, and Kyle Fire Department.

The full text of the proclamation is available here. To learn more about The Code Green Campaign and their mission you can visit their website at or find them on Facebook at

IN Police Investigate Ambulance Crash

Indiana State Police and Fort Wayne Police are investigating a crash involving a TRAA ambulance that occurred late Thursday morning on I-69.

Employee Found Dead Inside NYC Ambulette

Authorities are investigating the death of Peter Forrest, 64, an employee of Marquee Ambulette, a Nassau County-based patient transportation company.