Onspot Automatic Tire Chains Release Kit for International Terrastar with Air Suspension

Onspot Automatic Chains is pleased to announce the release of their automatic tire chain kit for the new International Terrastar with air suspension. A kit is also available for the Terrastar with spring suspension.

Onspot thanks Camions International in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada for “proofing” this kit on their parts delivery truck.

For more information:
Contact Onspot at 800-766-7768 or www.onspot.com

SD EMS Staffing Shortages Threaten Emergency Response Systems

South Dakota emergency medical services (EMS) providers are not immune to the staffing shortage plaguing agencies across the United States.

Buffalo (NY) Weighs Nurse Navigator Program to Improve Ambulance Response

Buffalo leaders are pushing for a new program called nurse navigation to improve ambulance response times and reduce the strain on emergency medical services (EMS).