Ninth Brain Launches New Accreditation Assistant Software Tool for EMS

Growth stems from change, and over the last few years, EMS has had to adapt with significant adjustments in their operations. An increased focus on providing quality patient care, industry regulations, and a shortage of qualified providers has heightened competition within the industry. Agencies are focused on recruiting quality employees, gaining efficiencies, maximizing budgets, and finding ways to expand their involvement in communities with initiatives like Community Paramedicine.

One way for an EMS agency to demonstrate their success in rising to these challenges is by receiving a Nationally recognized accreditation. Ninth Brain, a software company devoted to the EMS industry, was compelled to help.

Ninth Brain’s most recent endeavor is a brand-new tool called Accreditation Assistant which supports an agency working through an initial or reaccreditation process. Sarah McEntee, Executive Director of CAAS, explains “Accreditation is a long-term process, not a project. Tools like Ninth Brain can help agencies collect, organize, and most importantly – utilize data that agencies seeking accreditation or re-accreditation need to demonstrate compliance.”

“Most of our clients are accredited or wish to become accredited and so they utilize the Ninth Brain system to manage compliance requirements. Being that much of the data is housed within Ninth Brain, it seemed a no-brainer to offer a new tool to help them through the application process.” stated Holly Taylor, Chief Hat Holder at Ninth Brain. “We thank CAAS and CAMTS who were instrumental in providing feedback to help us accomplish this goal.”

Key Features and Benefits of Ninth Brain’s Accreditation Assistant:

  1. Compliance Assurance: The tool is specifically formatted to ease the application stage for accreditation and reaccreditation of the CAAS Standards Version 3.0 and CAMTS Standards 12th edition, with plans to update these templates as newer standards are released.
  2. Streamlined Accreditation Process: EMS leaders can securely upload documents in appropriately labeled folders, provide response/justification, track progress of review/approvals, and seamlessly export to a zip file for submission.
  3. Helpful Hints: The tool will provide recommendations from Ninth Brain on where information could be stored within the software or what reports would be helpful to address a particular standard.

This tool is being provided to all Ninth Brain subscription clients and is FREE of charge!

According to Eileen Frazer, Executive Director of CAMTS. “The accreditation process is not an easy one since we ask for and review so many documents as part of our extensive review of the program. Any process or system that can make this easier for the programs, and bring more consistency to our reviewers, is greatly welcome.”

About Ninth Brain: Ninth Brain’s mission is to be a long-standing partner with First Responder agencies by providing quality and intuitive software solutions that evolve with the industry. They bundle comprehensive software with a fun, devoted, and knowledgeable support team that make their clients their top priority. Throughout the past 20+ years of their journey, Ninth Brain has continuously developed enhancements to provide efficiencies, aid in industry compliance, and ultimately elevate patient care practices. Ninth Brain offers Credential Tracking, Learning Management System, Workforce Scheduling, Quality Improvement Tracking, Digital Forms and Checklists, and more! To learn more, visit

About CAAS: The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) is an independent, ANSI- Accredited Standards Developer (ASD), established to encourage and promote quality patient care in America’s medical transportation system. The Commission has established a comprehensive, consensus-based series of standards for the ambulance service industry.

CAAS accreditation signifies that your service has met the “gold standard” determined by the ambulance industry to be essential in a modern emergency medical services provider. These standards often exceed those established by state or local regulation. The CAAS standards are designed to help increase operational efficiency and decrease risk and liability across the entire spectrum of the organization.

About CAMTS: The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport System is an organization of non-profit organizations dedicated to improving the quality and safety of medical transport services, with 21 current member organizations each of which sends one representative to the CAMTS Board of Directors. The Commission offers a program of voluntary evaluation of compliance with accreditation standards demonstrating the ability to deliver service of a specific quality. The Commission believes that patient care and safety are the two highest priorities of medical transport and out-of-hospital care.

The CAMTS transport Standards were first published in 1991 and are updated every two to three years using an extensive public comment process. Over the years the Standards have expanded to include medical care and transport by rotor wing, fixed wing, surface, medical escort, and special operations. In 2022, CAMTS released the very first Accreditation Standards for Mobile Integrated Healthcare/Community Paramedicine.

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