I think one of the biggest things that just came out in 2006 is the announcement by NHTSA that they are taking applications for membership on the National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council to the Secretary of Transportation. According to the announcement in the federal register, “NEMSAC will be a nationally recognized council of EMS representatives and consumers to provide advice and recommendations regarding EMS to NHTSA.”
The announcement in the federal register goes on to describe the issues the council will address to include a national needs assessment, strategic planning, development of standards, guidelines and benchmarks, data collection, development of methods for improving community based EMS, workforce development, education, training, equipment, medical oversight, coordination of EMS and federal programs and other issues as identified by NHTSA.
The council by design will have a balanced membership of 26 representatives from every aspect of EMS providers, educators, medical directors and consumers.
This could be a great opportunity for the next phase of EMS growth and development, at a point in the history of EMS where some traditions are breaking down and new ideas and resources are needed.