This is the seventh year of the EMS 10 Innovators in EMS program, jointly sponsored by Physio-Control and JEMS. The program has a simple mission but a powerful objective: identify some of the best innovators in the EMS industry and alert the EMS community to their achievements to help providers and patients in the future.
The EMS 10 innovators selection committee judged this year’s nominees on their hard work, dedication and selfless efforts in 2014 and selected the individuals or pairs they felt exhibited the innovations that can have the greatest impact on the future of EMS.
We profile each honoree in this special digital supplement to JEMS to not only inform and educate you on their innovative work in EMS, but also to encourage you to ride on the wave of their innovations, use them to better develop your EMS system, and inspire you and your colleagues to think outside the box, take some calculated risks and innovate in an area of EMS that you feel could make a difference for patients, EMS systems or your prehospital colleagues.
Scott Matin, MBA, NREMT-P and Peter Dworsky, MPH, CBRM, NREMT-P“¦ Recognized for developing an educational video detailing the need to wear high visibility safety apparel.
Bill Lang, BA, EMT-P“¦ Recognized for developing one of the most comprehensive and effective critical incident stress management (CISM) programs in Oregon for EMS providers.
Peter Antevy, MD “¦ Recognized for developing a revolutionary system for identifying the proper drug dosage to be administered in pediatric resuscitation.
Randy Budd, RRT, CEP“¦ Recognized for introducing the use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in the prehospital setting.
Dan Swayze, DrPH, MBA, MEMS … Recognized for developing an innovative community paramedicine program call EmedHealth.
Kevin Collopy, EMT-P“¦ Recognized for creating a prehospital Code Sepsis program that resulted in his EMS system becoming the first in the country to be accredited by the College of American Pathologists.
Douglas Kupas, MD, EMT-P“¦ Recognized for implementing a statewide protocol for highfunctioning CPR teams that incorporates a “pit crew” model.
Keith Lurie, MD“¦ Recognized for his research and innovation in the field of resuscitation and in helping to identify the profound consequences that poor quality CPR has on survival.
Rachel Phillips, BA (Hon.), PGCE “¦ Recognized for her empowering and motivating approach to clinical training that ensures high standards of excellence in patient care.
Wayne Zygowicz, MS, EFO, EMT-P“¦ Recognized for his significant research, training and writing on suicide and the need to educate providers to the signs and symptoms of depression in patients and colleagues.